Renault 11 1.8l 16v Turbo - Allemagne tuning style

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tof 08
Responsable Région NE
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Re: Renault 11 1.8l 16v Turbo - Allemagne tuning style

Messagepar tof 08 » 13 mars 2009, 22:29

Schon arbeit! :bien:
wie machen ein rasso' in die Ardennes:
du kannst kommen,wie du wilst!
ich liebe sehr deine R11 turbo! :bravo:

bruno R9
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Re: Renault 11 1.8l 16v Turbo - Allemagne tuning style

Messagepar bruno R9 » 13 mars 2009, 22:44


Pour les specialiste, c'est quoi les jantes?
je les trouve tres belle.


tof 08
Responsable Région NE
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Re: Renault 11 1.8l 16v Turbo - Allemagne tuning style

Messagepar tof 08 » 14 mars 2009, 00:15

bruno R9 a écrit :Salut

Pour les specialiste, c'est quoi les jantes?
je les trouve tres belle.


Des Ronal Turbo.

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Re: Renault 11 1.8l 16v Turbo - Allemagne tuning style

Messagepar xtrm-games » 14 mars 2009, 00:33

salut a toi !!!! tres tres beau travail :bien:

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Re: Renault 11 1.8l 16v Turbo - Allemagne tuning style

Messagepar coupesoude » 14 mars 2009, 00:43

bruno R9 a écrit :Salut

Pour les specialiste, c'est quoi les jantes?
je les trouve tres belle.


[ img ][/img]

Membre du Club

Re: Renault 11 1.8l 16v Turbo - Allemagne tuning style

Messagepar HICXS » 14 mars 2009, 10:19


Messages : 36
Enregistré le : 20 févr. 2009, 21:21
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Re: Renault 11 1.8l 16v Turbo - Allemagne tuning style

Messagepar vaital » 14 mars 2009, 19:44

could you please tell me where in France is this meeting on June 6-7 ???
so I can look in the web for the distance and some hotel to sleep ;-)
we speak only german, italian and of course some english... but my france is very very baaaad :-(

Tschüss from Berlin

tof 08
Responsable Région NE
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Re: Renault 11 1.8l 16v Turbo - Allemagne tuning style

Messagepar tof 08 » 14 mars 2009, 22:30

vaital a écrit :Salut...
could you please tell me where in France is this meeting on June 6-7 ???
so I can look in the web for the distance and some hotel to sleep ;-)
we speak only german, italian and of course some english... but my france is very very baaaad :-(

Tschüss from Berlin

the meeting is near SEDAN,in france,in the department of Ardennes.
It's 3/4 hour from LUXEMBOURG,and 1 hours from TRIER (TREVES in French)
We came,in the road book,near Bouillon and Florenville,in the south of Belgium,it's a road that bikers like! very fun to do! :bravo:
Coupesoude (Goof') came next year,and I thinf I have enjoy!
and for language,no soucy! the passion is universal!
we can speak english,and I have very older notion of german!
But,some neerlanders must be coming! :bien:

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Re: Renault 11 1.8l 16v Turbo - Allemagne tuning style

Messagepar Fab11Turbo » 15 mars 2009, 09:36

850 km from Berlin ;)

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Re: Renault 11 1.8l 16v Turbo - Allemagne tuning style

Messagepar xenon » 15 mars 2009, 12:06

vaital a écrit :Salut...
could you please tell me where in France is this meeting on June 6-7 ???
so I can look in the web for the distance and some hotel to sleep ;-)
we speak only german, italian and of course some english... but my france is very very baaaad :-(

Tschüss from Berlin

would be a real happiness to receive you on our premises.

moreover as said our tof, of the Belgian and Dutch should be there!!!

if you are strongly interested to come, n' do not hesitate has to pause us of the questions and if you want I can give you coordinates d' hotel!!!!
idem for the card d' inscription, is you l' send by email and you pay of account has account or you send liquid :biggrin:

sorry for my english , but i'm bad in english :bah:

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Enregistré le : 20 févr. 2009, 21:21
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Re: Renault 11 1.8l 16v Turbo - Allemagne tuning style

Messagepar vaital » 15 mars 2009, 22:16

Quand le rassemblement aura lieu (horaires et lieu) et qu´est ce que se passe le 6 et 7 juin? Et quand il y a le ralley touristique d'environ 100 km ?
dlsée c est pas un bon francais :-P


tof 08
Responsable Région NE
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Re: Renault 11 1.8l 16v Turbo - Allemagne tuning style

Messagepar tof 08 » 16 mars 2009, 21:42

vaital a écrit :Quand le rassemblement aura lieu (horaires et lieu) et qu´est ce que se passe le 6 et 7 juin? Et quand il y a le ralley touristique d'environ 100 km ?
dlsée c est pas un bon francais :-P


ton français est bon,Nico! :bien:
the meeting is the 6 june at 10H. At VIVIER AU COURT (08 Ardennes) france.
the rally is the 6 june afternoon.
for more informations look here and there is the inscription notice,and more informations.
and for more informations,you can contact me by Private message. :bien:

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Re: Renault 11 1.8l 16v Turbo - Allemagne tuning style

Messagepar xenon » 16 mars 2009, 22:27

voici l'itinéraire qui te servirais :ugeek: ... ndemnite=0

tiens nous au courant si tu viens ou pas!!
en tout cas , tu sera le bienvenue :pray:

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Re: Renault 11 1.8l 16v Turbo - Allemagne tuning style

Messagepar xenon » 19 mars 2009, 22:58

:up: :up:

Messages : 36
Enregistré le : 20 févr. 2009, 21:21
Localisation : Berlin-Allemagne
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Re: Renault 11 1.8l 16v Turbo - Allemagne tuning style

Messagepar vaital » 20 mars 2009, 22:45

allright... I will see what I can do for your meeting. I will be happy to join all the France Turbo Friends,a lso the Dutch & Belgian. I was never in France.. so its the opportunity to visit your country :trinque:
But first I must finish the 11 and the check with my friend if he have time to come.
I will ask you further for send me some hotel contact near the meeting for one night, two beds and breakfast... maybe between 0-100€ :bravo:

Ciao from Berlin
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