Our 9 Turbo Ph 2 sill corrosion

Modérateurs : Fab11Turbo, tof 08

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Enregistré le : 17 mai 2014, 13:51
Localisation : Gilford, Northern Ireland, UK

Our 9 Turbo Ph 2 sill corrosion

Messagepar rockets1971 » 15 juil. 2014, 16:46

Hi everyone... just thought I'd share a few photos of the corrosion found in our sills... They are being replaced as well as a partial respray and a boot spoiler from a Peugeot 405 Mi 16 fitted... More pics will follow in a few weeks
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Re: Our 9 Turbo Ph 2 sill corrosion

Messagepar maxinou » 15 juil. 2014, 18:53


It's not so good :bah:

These rust it's made by battery's acid that blow down by the black plastic pipe you can see in your pictures.

You shoul cut and weld all these place with a new steel, and protect it inside with Waxoil!

Good luck! You have a hard work to do! :bien:

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