R11 TXE 1.7 F2N compatible gearboxes

Modérateurs : Sayenvegeta, a donf la sub, Modérateurs, Admin

Messages : 94
Enregistré le : 16 févr. 2020, 08:04

R11 TXE 1.7 F2N compatible gearboxes

Messagepar tanago » 22 sept. 2020, 15:27

Hey people, my R11 has been driven without gearbox oil :puke:

now it is very noisy when clutch is not pressed(99% of the time) & 5th gear randomly disengages.

I want to swap the gearbox, the engine is at good condition I think.

How to tell if a gearbox is compatible with my F2N engine? All Jb3 gearboxes? R19?
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Cheers :trinque:

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Re: R11 TXE 1.7 F2N compatible gearboxes

Messagepar coptere » 22 sept. 2020, 16:09


With the F2N engine it should be JB3 gearboxes.
Then depending on which year your car is it could be JB3 001 for example.

Messages : 94
Enregistré le : 16 févr. 2020, 08:04

Re: R11 TXE 1.7 F2N compatible gearboxes

Messagepar tanago » 22 sept. 2020, 16:17

yes, my current one is 001 but it's very hard to find in good condition, R19 is a newer model and more common is it's transmission compatible?

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Messages : 5248
Enregistré le : 20 janv. 2006, 01:00
Localisation : La Membrolle sur Choisille

Re: R11 TXE 1.7 F2N compatible gearboxes

Messagepar coptere » 22 sept. 2020, 18:20

I need confirmation but I would go for a R19 JB3 gearbox.

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