how to remove the headlight washers from the bumper?

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Enregistré le : 16 févr. 2020, 08:04

how to remove the headlight washers from the bumper?

Messagepar tanago » 16 janv. 2021, 20:15


I was looking at reconditioning my R11's looks but I have troubles removing the headlight washers and the last thing I want is to break them. Any ideas how to do it safely? I tried pulling, twisting, success.
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Enregistré le : 16 févr. 2020, 08:04

Re: how to remove the headlight washers from the bumper?

Messagepar tanago » 17 janv. 2021, 16:07

for future reference

1. disconnect plastic part with hose (pull)
2. unscrew nut
3. lift the nozzle and watch out for the small bump

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